Posted by: valleybrunette | March 17, 2010

The Nitty Gritty

Boxing has been AMAZING! It tires me out, works all my muscles, and I look forward to each session. My trainer has started giving me advice about other lifestyle changes. I’m attempting to be better about my diet which today is VERY hard to deal with. I am having massive cravings for savory snacks and unfortunately only packed sweets (even my veggies are sweet today). I gave in and had a bag of Cheetos but I REALLY want to get to my back of sweet potato chips.

Either way, I have decided to treat myself to a luscious dinner of corned beef sandwich to keep in St. Paddy’s Day theme. And luckily, there is a great deli on my way home from training tonight. I just have to be strong and hold out til then!

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